Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Learn to be an actor in one day

Ever looked at a play and thought 'I wish I could do that'?  Ever looked at the Oscar winner for best actor and thought 'How do they do that?'.  For too long acting has been thought of as something that you need training for, something that requires rigour, experience and actual talent to achieve.  But no longer.

I am now offering people the chance to learn to be an actor in a single day.  As part of this course you will
  1. Read stuff out of a book - and it will be acting
  2. Copy famous scenes from films - and it will be acting
  3. Get cast in a Michael Bay film as an attractive woman - and it will be acting(*)
  4. Shout loudly on a stage from a script - and it will be acting
At the end of this one day course you will be a fully fledged actor and understand all the principles behind acting and be able to declare yourself an actor.  I firmly believe being an actor is not just for people with talent, experience and training, its for anyone who pays me money to do basic work where I can wrap enough crap around it to convince them they've actually achieved something.

At the end of just one day you will understand what it takes to be an actor, you will realise that being an actor is something that is actually fundamentally easy and all those great actors were actually just regular people like you.  There is nothing else that you need to learn to be able to say that you understand what it takes to be an artist.  YOU will be able to look at Spencer Tracy in 'Inherit the Wind' and say 'I know exactly what it takes to do that.

* limited places

(in homage to decoded)

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